The Lasergene Core Suite consists of all eight applications, and is the most robust of all the Lasergene Core Suite offerings. With the eight applications listed below, you can do sequence editing and map creation, contig assembly, multiple and pairwise alignments, design primers, discover genes, analyze and visualize protein structure, perform automated virtual cloning, and much, much more.
- SeqBuilder - for sequence editing and annotation, automated virtual cloning, and primer design
- SeqMan Pro- for contig assembly and analysis, including SNP discovery, coverage evaluation, and project annotation
- MegAlign - for DNA and protein sequence alignments and analysis
- GeneQuest - for gene discovery and annotation
- Protean 3D - for exploring macromolecular structure, motion, and function
- Protean - for protein structure analysis and prediction
- PrimerSelect - for primer design
- EditSeq - for importing and editing unusual file types