If you have ever had to guess at the intensity or location of gel bands, hold two gels up to a light to compare band location or intensity, or wait in line to use an expensive gel densitometer system... then you will find the UN-SCAN-IT gel software to be an accurate, inexpensive, and easy to use alternative to higher priced densitometry software.
With UN-SCAN-IT gel - Gel Analysis Software you can...
- Turn your scanner into a high-speed gel densitometer
- Quantify lanes, segments, and dot blots
- Analyze TIFF, JPG, BMP, GIF, and many other image formats
- Perform gel densitometry and quantification on many types of electrophoresis bands
- Quantify Western blots, Agarose gels, PCR gels, TLC, or any other gel image
- Improve accuracy and reproducibility
- Reduce the need for guesswork in gel quantifying
- Automate your gel analysis for a much lower cost than other densitometry software
- Reduce gel analysis times and increase laboratory productivity
- Determine the relative abundance and position of each band or segment within the gel
- Calibrate the image intensity to normalize results
- Save the data in ASCII and clipboard format
- Export gel data to other spreadsheet, data analysis, and graphics programs
- Digitize (x,y) graphs with all of the same features as regular UN-SCAN-IT
How UN-SCAN-IT gel Works
Although the UN-SCAN-IT gel - Gel Analysis Software has numerous options and features, the basic operation simply consists of converting an image (TIFF, BMP, JPEG, PCX, etc.) into pixel density and area values through a few simple gel analysis steps...
- UN-SCAN-IT gel Features
- Lane analysis for gel lanes
- Segment analysis for gel segments
- Full Scanner Resolution image analysis
- Analyze TIFF, JPG, BMP, GIF, TGA, PICT, PCX, and other image formats
- Linear and logarithmic optical densities
- Point and click peak insertion and editing
- Automatic and user defined lane sizing and alignment
- Molecular weight determination for each band
- Sequencing gel mode (ACGT)
- Image intensity calibration for true reproducibility
- Resizable windows and custom screen colors
- Intuitive and easy to use electrophoresis software
- Data stored in ASCII and clipboard format for use in spreadsheet, data analysis or graphics programs
Free customer support
+ All the graph digitizing features of regular UN-SCAN-IT
Newest Features | Gel
- Dot Blot Analysis
- Clone Drawing Mode
- Grayscale and Color Gel Analysis
- Additional Image Formats
- Enhanced Background Subtraction
- Improved Help Menus and Graphics
- Automatic Saturation Checking
- Lane/Segment Slider
- Additional Gel Segments
- Segment Labeling
- Enhanced Density Profile
- Calibration Curves
- New User's Manual
Newest Features | Graph
- Drag and Drop Setup
- Colored Data Recognition
- Grayscale Data Recognition
- Data Eraser
- Polar Coordinate Digitizing
- Horizontal/Vertical Grid Filter
- Intersecting Line Following
- Automatic Dashed/Dotted Line Following
- Raster Scan Scatter Plot Mode
- Variable Surface Point Assignment
- Multi-Point Manual Digitizing
- Icon Slider
- Sample Images