ChemBioViz Ultra 12.0 adds ChemBioFinder Ultra, ChemBioDraw Ultra, ChemBio3D Ultra, ChemBio3D interfaces to Schrodinger's Jaguar and Gaussian, ChemDraw/Excel and CombiChem/Excel, ChemNMR, Name=Struct, ClogP, and ChemScript Pro to ChemBioViz Pro 12.0.
ChemBioViz Ultra 12.0 provides the premier ChemBioOffice 2010 applications in a tightly integrated visualization suite, allowing users to visualize and analyze their structures and data graphically, and identify trends and correlations within subsets of data. Retrieve or search for a set of compounds, choose the data you want to see, whether it is biological test results, physical property values calculated automatically or prices in a catalog, and ChemBioViz will generate an interactive window showing a scatterplot, histogram, or other useful data graphic. Show Property predictions Live-Linked to the structure, Fragmentation tools, 3D structures Live-Linked to the 2D structure and more!
Software Link : ChemBioViz - visualization and analysis Software