Now you can share, import, and export your gas chromatography (GC) and GC-Mass Spec data files easily without worrying about file incompatibilities. This program reads files from a variety of popular GC Mass Spec programs including Hewlett Packard Chemstation GC, Agilent (Hewlett Packard) Chemstation MS, Finnigan Xcalibur (on systems with Xcalibur software), Finnigan ITDS, Finnigan Magnum MS, Finnigan Incos MS, Finnigan GCQ, Finnigan ICIS, Shimadzu MS, EasyChrom, Chromperfect, Beckman Gold, netCDF GC, netCDF MS, Inficon Hapsite, Shrader, JCAMP-DX GC, JCAMP-DX MS, and ASCII. Data can be saved in the following formats: Chemstation GC, Agilent (Hewlett Packard) Chemstation MS, Finnigan ITDS, Finnigan GCQ, Varian Saturn, Galactic Grams, EasyChrom, Chromperfect, netCDF GC, netCDF MS, JCAMP-DX GC, JCAMP-DX MS, and ASCII. In addition, users of recent versions of Excel can export data to spreadsheet. Customizable to perform extractions of spectral records, total ion chromatograms, and selected ion traces. Data filter, batch and command line processing options exist.
Using GC, GC/MS File Translator ProTM During Preparation of High Quality Graphics
Your data is only as impressive as your presentations. Poor export capabilities of commercial processing packages restrict your ability to produce high quality slides, publications, etc. Only one native software package supports graphics exports in vector format for colored, high resolution images. This limits you to fuzzy, bit-mapped images, screen capture, or dot matrix printouts, which require extensive cutting and pasting. GC, GC/MS File Translator ProTM allows you to extract whatever data you need to produce professional quality graphics, either in ASCII format for import into your favorite graphics package, or for import into a chromatographic processing packages which satisfies your needs.
GC, GC/MS File Translator ProTM in Research: Complete Access to all Data Aids Evaluation of Experimental Processing Strategies
Experimental data processing objectives such as pattern recognition, comparative library evaluation, or advanced signal filtering can now be tested for data collected with a variety of popular acquisition packages. Such tests necessitate complete access to all data, which often is limited by capabilities of data processing software rather than information contained in data files (e.g. display may be graphic, while actual numeric data are inaccessible). With GC, GC/MS File Translator ProTM numeric data can be recovered from data files for further processing as required.
Delayed Processing and Background Processing
GC, GC/MS File TranslatorTM allows you to process data in background while you are simultaneously working on other tasks. Instead, you may chose to add several lengthy translations to the program's job list and delay their execution until your system is idle. All translation jobs can be configured independently.
Configuration Options and Integrated Data FilterM
The Translation Settings dialog shown here allows you to review information contained in source file headers, and to customize format translations according to your specific needs. Options include partial extraction of selected retention time windows or record ranges, review and modification of comment and operator text entry fields, and data editing via customized y axis factor and offset values. For export in ASCII format, data sets can be reduced to accommodate limitations of commercial spread sheets and graphics programs (which typically are limited to 8000 data points).
Software Link : GC and GCMS File Translator Professional - Mass spec Program