- Linux
- Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 2008
- Solaris (Sun)
- Agilent
- Bruker
- ThermoFisher Scientific (Finnigan)
- Shimadzu (Kratos)
- Waters (Micromass)
- AB SCIEX (Applied Biosystems)
- Confidentiality issues prohibit transmission of sensitive data to a third party across the internet.
- To search custom or proprietary sequence databases.
- For high throughput work and closed loop automation.
- Search results can be imported into a database for data mining.
- The HTML forms and Perl scripts can be customised.
This doesn't have to mean a heavy investment up-front. Start with just the number of processors you need today, and add additional processor licences as and when required. Note that there is no limit to the number of users who can submit searches to a Mascot server, even if it is just a single processor licence. The licence cost is based purely on the number of processors actually used by Mascot, which can be less than the total number of processors in the system.
A Mascot licence includes a one year warranty, providing:
- Access to expert technical support
- Free updates to all new releases of Mascot
- No charge to swap to another supported platform
Software Link: Mascot Server - Mass spectrometry data analysis software